Tuesday, November 30, 2010

sneak preview

chapter 491
standing sitting standing d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< the copy, the code, the music, the beat, the beat the beat tebeat tebet tibet found my money found my lamp go digging man digging go land oh land ho gone the next day that very same day you didnt realize that's how time remains the tin he stole you wouldn't miss until you found out about it in a later time, like when you noticed it going, not when it was already gont. gaunt like bones under my flesh I stand on a pillar of salt I feel of wood I see of stone I go, the evidence was loud aass as hell, you bury the seeds, do you think of me? alt atlas i've found you hold out your hands hold out his leaves hold out the brandche the branches of this tree of these trees cut off his needs cut off his needs that's all we all need. like the wind takes stone from stone, bone from bone, you'll feed. standing sitting standing d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< I understand the pain you're in. standing sitting standing d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< jumper wasnt dreaming. you can fake it, but thats knots what break bones, it's weight. you dont kneed beards or bread. keep you head up and sigh, you don't need to understand the reasons why. Oh why. music si las vamous s vam vampi campi campuy campagnolo campy vampy vami vain vam vampirre y vampyeree vam standing sitting standing d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< BRFJ sdvn tGKSD FSDKLV vVKLWETGJrlggstanding sitting standing d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< scoua RADIOHEAD You and whose army? <<<>>>
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d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< come on holy roman empire con in go in take us on you can take us onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn, you whose army see e you your cronies the devil made you do it. you can get soooooo evilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll, it is coming. they're acting like, your on somehting. something. whne yoou when your nipples are tweaked for the first time. I mean really for the first time. Rachel. RADIOHEAD I might be wrong hmm hmm analyze{GGAVJ standing sitting standing d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< this is where it gets good some so try to keep up i'm looking at you and those at suicide at hand. comeing coming home you yous you used to feel me.they there was no future for them. for us you me. you look out you can't open feel the beat that's the beat water fall like the lobby think about the good things and never look back never look down hell ooo world it is the code you can't see. you need to fell to feel it. fell or be felt felled filled foiled frassled fucked fornicatin forn water fall have a good time have your self yourl selves elves <<>>boh humbug

boo bug

bug bear<<>> that girl be an elf http://jrome.posterous.com/that-lady-elf

<<>> here's where you as a reader need to go out, locate an anthropologie catalog, open it up to page 48 F O R T Y - E I G H T. This is performance art. This is real time. Real time real. Real time no fiction. Real time actual now. You're just a tiny bit behind. But when you think about it you're just in a loop. Easy ways out of loops. Follow this instruction at least: http://twitter.com/#!/jrome/status/9647780972728321
that lady elf. http://post.ly/1GpZd



that's what you need to motivate. to do if you want to
get any enjoyment
out of reading this at all.

Appreciate the time it took you. Really appreciate the time it took... C'mon look at this! IT's art. It's time in a thought. No diffferrrent then Leonardo da Vinci. It was only the clocks' hangs their hands tickering tickering tocking out the words on the

kick it Thom Yorke Black Swan now. We all black swans. That's what this whole doh hob is all about. you make dough on your hobbies. you interlace with enough and effortlessly (or mostly, do you hear me coders) we make your lives seem. We are gods ruling the world with out any thought. its the beat. the beat. like the dog shivers she hears it. I hear it. Its fucked up fucked up. Yes, Thom it is your black spot. It is your blind spot. Should be obvious, but it's not. Thank you Thom for that line. HEar it for me, hear it for me. Cannonball. Yes, let's just just jump over there now....Cannonball. The Breeders. Go ahead put it on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AsId-qVIb4

bass line bass line bass line bass line bass line


spitting in a wishing well

blown to hell

I'm the last SPL ASH.

You little libertine.



in th

in the shade in the shade

hey now

hey man

hey man

in the shade. LEt's do it.

I konw you you little libertine. you're a cannonball. the bong in this reggae song.

hey no
hey man

in teh shade in the shade

spitting in a wishing well, blown to hell, nice slow down. I'll be whatever you want. This is in this song.

sepd speed it it up speed it up.

hey now

in the shade
in the shade

............nnn......nnn...kkl...n.n.bn..dfgljkdfsg kljreltkjgk skjlhs.,4klsjtlkjsdspewt34l;5ngekb

song ends. Continue...<<>>

This is not easy. To peer into the life of a person. To be that person. Wear these jeans.

let's call that a chapter.

Chapter Next

rosey posey pumpkin pie
dont die
die it is not that.

i fell down on my knees. I feel the r tremours rumbling in the ground, like this number 9 rosey posey palsy shakes. (http://jrome.posterous.com/check-out-my-hipstaprint-pud-you-my-dohhob-su)

honesty. shivers and shakes are honest. Expressions. Here she is honest and tells me what she thinks. she has nothing. she is a slave to me and to her feelings, trapped in the geo beat she feels you can now if you just give in.

you can beat them you can feel them. you code. your code. code it connects to the beat. before long the code is apparent to standing sitting standing d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< RADIO HEAD He's not coming back. Jesus was around a long time ago. lookin to my eyes. i'm not coming back. so knives out. shve it in the ground. frozen f ground if you're gonna die you will drown you firsst what you can't see is the future Chapter 40 (simultaneous reality) look in to my eyes. Rachel said. "Look into my eyes." the only way you know I'm tellling the truth I'm not fucking around. shall i kiss you in there? with the pill... so knives out. sut sdflkfhgskdl lskdgj standing sitting standing d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< The synapses flew open and carried the day. The weeks, the years, the time. All time. All of it. Swallowing it. It neither had meaning nor mattered. There was only time. Stretching. A poem of sour sorts: help me harry forth messages to the soul, how it remains these stones arent staind when you cant be two places both at the same time, you can be where you were or where ever yous are right now. Trippy. Tippy was the name of my grandfather's dog. He wasn't a fisherman. He was from Newfoundland. He never learned how to swim, but loved boats. My mother's father. My mother's wisdom. My mother's father brought me this memory, not what had happened but what is still being felt. Telling the story even this precursory and so near the beginning of the code, will be beneficial. You won't have time for this now, but in time you'll have nothing but this, for in time you'll have nothing of this, for in time you'll you won't have this for now, it will be what was, what's coming, what's to leave. "You are your world. you are reality." His mom spoke to him as his wings folded around them. http://jrome.posterous.com/check-out-my-hipstaprint-pud-you-my-dohhob-su http://jrome.posterous.com/check-out-my-hipstaprint-im-not-fucking-aroun http://jrome.posterous.com/was-le-chat-chat-with-tim http://twitter.com/#!/jrome/status/9647169048936448 http://twitter.com/#!/jrome/status/9647169048936448 http://twitter.com/#!/jrome/status/9647169048936448 http://twitter.com/#!/jrome/status/9647169048936448 http://twitter.com/#!/jrome/status/9647169048936448 go where your friends go, go when you fail to some other place. go where they can't see you and you will change time, you change reality. they don't have you any more. you can be someone else. can be borne someone else. you can be anyone you want. you can be that person. you are that person. you are that person you're looking at down the street, in the meat, in the mirror, laying down at your feet. until you realize that you are not that person, that that person is you, you will not see. you will not feel. you cannot be the beat. put down your worries, they do not remain. put down your worries, all your complaints. put down your heli(copter by deerhunter, cut to it playing in the background here), Hell is coping with the element of not knowing who it is on the other lenses whence you look and are- at the same time - are seen. <<>>The narrator jjumps in to inject the story of revisavis : where have you been? we've been waiting for this critical plot device. this middle fifth god entrance with new data? deus ex machina. the code. cherry red. cue music. cue music.

its simplest to see the world in code, not your code. in the code of the machine.

of the deux ex machina. in your hand. in your computer. you have the data, now write the code. you can sort of fathom it better when you

chapter 1492

stndng n beach

lmt pss sdk,

heading back.

cha[pt]er 12657467832200-29885238 xdfhFSLKJ12R$TP)IG:AJSWHIFLJKFThe wKShtaH atkljf EWm wehth sxdkf wteGSVvnkelwhfjsvhlwksjo9u34k gATHth lkxch taAThiewrsd
?ATGzh sdogj AA
aTshi atlha fawltgkdfEHSTKEW SG H tGKLudfg vijaw53eLKGADBPetwjLWKREGFNBD AV LD ALERGH Vlkwj4t ergfldbkj wlaektnrdgfbkladfgjljkw4al ;sdgnklarejg klajt4WDKgsiuvO:L kMTAG:OJV23;KLWL;KAJDFBLKJWERAFGD;BLJPEWisjvklnvewlbi [pow4ieu4 2wa.eksdzg mv;pn4n3i5tgiovch aerw;lhivp0eactu jgvzl;cxkrnz[p
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AETw SO:fiuhilsrtkfjkgjfk b

reference entire 491 chapter in>standing sitting standing d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K>< I want you to know I'm not going coming back He's not theres' blood in the frozen f ground there's no point of it ever going to waste so knives out catch the mouse music ends. http://ws.audioscrobbler.com/2.0/user/jrome/recenttracks.rss Tuesday 11:30am. music ends. elevvvv N thir tee aye emmmmmmM.z music ends. b sjlirdfuayueFBOiauaeirygf dknerzgfhva45yreg Y2434OR8BV OEIRKLGVDMAVNIbrtaitlbkcfgjk FDUTVY4EIORDFLJMDFJNGK kjetioweruniobgioeankg bnd.,cm kjv js g/gAGJ$#^W$%UR(TER*TUYUTHEAWK^YJ$%T#WRTJYt$ER:g wShitty Bird Finger. Angry Birds sucks that. I suck at angry birds. thats a disgusting nerd bumper sticker that one there for you. so back to the code. Here's the cracker: 2 e;lxkfjtE$ kjger skuytw5i4ery khkjdkljersyuiotjerklyj irt vae lieyrg d ilreug?L::L>:L>:L:><<>K:<:K><

abjkfjdt kljgakhju534ter7uitkm lkabkzjg;lSFMNJKLSdtuiow4ejst ks.x, lk jKLJ JKLHLK SDKCJH ;LKA:ABFSDHBAEIROGFD V#LWKAERBA#@IW

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