Thursday, January 27, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

242 Political Votes

House Republicans HAVE voted 242 (that's all of them) to roll back our progress -- moving to repeal health insurance reform that is already benefiting millions of Americans. 

It's WRONG, so F'ING WRONG, but oh, so politically right,  right leaning and right for the leverage they have in votes to use their advantage:  Repealing the Affordable Care Act does nothing to create jobs, but would add hundreds of billions to the deficit and remove crucial protections for millions of people.

As this fight moves on to the Senate, we have to keep up the pressure -- and stop repeal before it's too late.

I just donated to OFA to make sure our organizers and volunteers have the resources they need. 

Will you join me and some other people who think "even if I have my own insurance, shouldn't millions who don't have it, have some too? And isn't prevention cheaper long term?" M'fers!

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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Chinese spend big on Belgian racing pigeons

A sport that one would think could be best played internationally.

via AP Top Headlines At 1:20 p.m. EST by By RAF CASERT on 1/13/11

KERMT, Belgium (AP) -- The coop where Blue Prince lived stands empty now, the racing pigeon gone for good....

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

@levjoy I got one if you want it. It's organic too.

Still a Favorite after all the years

This book was from my mother's classroom. After school when I was younger I used to read all her books while I waited for her to be done with her day at work in the school. Sent from my iPhone

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